They offer the best of both worlds: lush foliage year-round and beautiful, usually pure white, flowers over a long period.
There is many uses for Peace Lilies
A peace lily can be grown for a variety of uses, including:
* One of the most beautiful, reliable and easiest to grow of the indoor plants.
* Can grow in virtually any indoor situation, but do avoid any direct sunlight.
* Excellent for helping keep indoor air clean and fresh. The peace lily is recognised as one of the best natural indoor air-purifiers, as it will help strip harmful VOCs (volatile organic chemicals) from the air.
How to plant and grow a peace lily
A peace lily can tolerate almost any light levels indoors, but avoid direct sunlight, as this will scorch the leaves.
Avoid positioning in or near the direct air stream of heaters or air-conditioners.
Keep your peace lily moist, but not wet.
It can grow outdoors in pots or in gardens, provided it has a very warm position,
is out of direct sun and drainage is excellent.
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